Friday, October 8, 2010

Chuck 4x3

Chuck Versus the Cubic Z

Review: A downgrade from last week, and I would've given last week an above average, but this episode while having its highlights really just feels like meh episode. What drags this episode down is sadly possibly the worst Buy More subplot ever. This saw the Buy More staff trying to cope with not getting enough copies of a newly released video game Spy Attack (read as Halo: Reach). This plot would have been funny if it had not taken up the entire sublot and was either a last minute joke, or if the show started on it and ended it in the intro. But they really stretched it out, it seems to me. Although I love getting Big Mike back and his address to the crowd at the end was quite funny but probably didn't have the payoff they were expecting. On the main storyline it was a good storyline with Chuck and Sarah each seeing a past nemesis. It was nice to the writers make Nicole Richie's character not just team up with Austin's as that what we were all expecting. Every episode this season has also put ample time the romance in the story, and while I have no problem with Chuck and Sarah stories, we've seen three in row so far and I desperately hope it isn't a season trait to see them deal with an obstacle every fucking episode. Chuck works best when it blends action and comedy, but this season feals like a big romantic comedy, the divide between action, comedy, and romance should be 50/40/10. Not an equal split. But this episode is not bad, it certainly has its moments, as Steve Austin once again played the one dimensional villain well, and we got few cool fight scenes. Its just a cut under average in my opinion. This episode would be a three, but I feel the buy more subplot didn't add much and that the romantic difficulties felt forced and have been too heavy this season.


4 out of 5

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