Friday, October 8, 2010

Chuck 4x3

Chuck Versus the Cubic Z

Review: A downgrade from last week, and I would've given last week an above average, but this episode while having its highlights really just feels like meh episode. What drags this episode down is sadly possibly the worst Buy More subplot ever. This saw the Buy More staff trying to cope with not getting enough copies of a newly released video game Spy Attack (read as Halo: Reach). This plot would have been funny if it had not taken up the entire sublot and was either a last minute joke, or if the show started on it and ended it in the intro. But they really stretched it out, it seems to me. Although I love getting Big Mike back and his address to the crowd at the end was quite funny but probably didn't have the payoff they were expecting. On the main storyline it was a good storyline with Chuck and Sarah each seeing a past nemesis. It was nice to the writers make Nicole Richie's character not just team up with Austin's as that what we were all expecting. Every episode this season has also put ample time the romance in the story, and while I have no problem with Chuck and Sarah stories, we've seen three in row so far and I desperately hope it isn't a season trait to see them deal with an obstacle every fucking episode. Chuck works best when it blends action and comedy, but this season feals like a big romantic comedy, the divide between action, comedy, and romance should be 50/40/10. Not an equal split. But this episode is not bad, it certainly has its moments, as Steve Austin once again played the one dimensional villain well, and we got few cool fight scenes. Its just a cut under average in my opinion. This episode would be a three, but I feel the buy more subplot didn't add much and that the romantic difficulties felt forced and have been too heavy this season.


4 out of 5

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How I Met Your Mother 6x3

Unfinished@ CBS

 Review:  HIMYM is back to where it should be, making use of its charcters. Although this episode didn't have any jokes that will become keepers, (though wheres the poop is funny enough idea). The Plot had us seeing the allegedly content Ted offered a gig, and Barney trying to charm him into it. It was great to see things that we knew Barney would do in order to get a girls attention effectively work on Ted. Marshall of course not being able to keep secret kept the chain of events going. Best of all, the scenario never really felt like it had overstayed its welcome. The side plot took a simple, effective approach of instead of giving it a serious tone, or trying to cram Robin's coping into an already full episode, its instead given the "keep it funny, and keep it short" approach. This gives us breathing room for main plot and keeps the episode mostly funny.


Overall: This episode is not that standout as a series highlight; the fact that its entertaining and funny throughout because of the zany characters we've all come to love makes this episode well put together and good example of what HIMYM should be most weeks.

4 out of 5

Dexter 5x2 Review

Hello, Bandit

Review: Its weird that the second episode actually gives this season some direction. I guess its to be expected as they didn't want to rush what was expected to be a very dramatic season opener, but I felt that the first episode left me wanting a bit more but it was good. Now with this episode we actually get a little peek at Dexter's new target, whether or not he gets exterminated (get it) next episode. I like the idea of Astor and Cody going away, as there really not fun to watch and are basically their so Dexter has to be responsible in between his ritual. Sure it had its problems but overall a good episode this week compared to last and I'm excited to see if Dexter although still being compelled to kill, gets any satisfaction at all out of the act. As usual the lives of Deb and Batista always provide breathing room and are enjoyable but there really not much else to say beside it served its purpose.

Overall: A return to form of our favorite serial killer that successfully gives this season some much needed direction.

4 out of 5

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bleach 422 Review

Bleach 422 @ MangaStream

The Silent Victory

Art: Its Kubo so all the art is good, and its always cool to see the extended cast, especially because they are so underused. But he is capable of much better so this gets an average from me, just because there's nothing that's really standout.

3 out of 5

Story: Overall I'm still sore over quick defeat of Aizen, although the evolution of Ichigo's powers are everything that I hoped for it was still underwhelming for Urahara to come and seal him, but I think Aizen's defeat was doomed to be disappointing regardless because Aizen was built up so much that at the end of the day, however he was defeated it would've seemed cheap. Hopefully now that Kubo is free of Aizen he cant take the story past one long chain, of "Theres  absloultey no way you could reach my level," or "Since when where you under the impression I wasn't using Kyoka  Suigetsu."

3 out of 5

Pace: I feel with Bleach its hit or miss when it comes to pace, and I feel like if they spread these scenes out over another chapter or so we could've got more reactions from all the characters we don't see much, perhaps I'm judging to harshly. We'll see in the coming chapters.

2 out of 5

Overall: I was expecting a bit more, but its certainly an average chapter. Overall i wish more time was spent on how Ichigo had helped stopped Aizen, but we'll probably get more on that after Ichigo wakes up from his collapse, if that whats happening.

3 out of 5

One Piece 598 Review

One Piece 598 @ MangaStream 

The much anticipated return of One Piece, reunion of Strawhats, new timeskip designs and the return of the Strawhats as they go forward to make their mark on the New World.

2 Years Later

Art: Oda has outdone himself again. In this chapter Oda has shown an aptitude for coloring we unfortunately don't get to see often, hell that color spread is a contender for best I've ever seen. Thats all before the real meat and potatoes, the new designs are wonderful I'll probably write an article on just my opinions to them, but I'll wait till we see more of Strawhats in the manga. We get great set pieces, new designs, and finally the Strawhats together again.

5 out of 5

Story: Oda's best strength has always been to never lose his sense of adventure and scope, whereas some manga rely heavily on training arcs and fights that come down to power ups and dues ex machina, One Piece always feels original and with scope in mind. More than anything its good to see the crew together again with most of crew being neglected for the past couple years, and while I love the Impel Down and White Beard War Arc, who couldn't be excited to finally see the crew together again. The fakes is an interesting idea and one that I've pondered on and with things already being setup for these guys to be the easy opponents so we can finally gauge how strong the crew is now. I personally think Luffy probably mid-high VA rank and that most of the crew can now hold their own, I also say we should do away weakling trio and say we rename them Monster, High and Mid tiers. Here's to the incoming Fishman Island arc.

5 out of 5


Pace: Sometimes One Piece rushes itself, while moving at a fast pace sometimes its too much crammed into tiny package, but most of the time time you get lots of content for just one chapter and this another example of this being done right. All I could ask for in a chapter as important as this, without any parts feeling like they weren't expanded enough.

5 out of 5

Overall: With all the changes in Yonkou, Shichibukai, and Marine restructing that has just been introduced, One Piece is once again given a new of life breath life. It feels like a new series with characters we already love. Another standout example of why One Piece is the best shounen of the era. If Oda says we are at the midway point then I'm just excited to see 10 more years of One Piece.

5 out of 5

Reborn! 308 Review

Reborn! 308 
The Climactic conclusion to Ryouhei VS Kouyou and possible developments for current arc.

The Key

Art: Another example of Amano's style has improved from the start of the manga, you can really apreciate how he draws charcters so you can appreciate how Ryohei is shown to be on his last legs, its very skillfull in my opinion for an artist to truly show the reader how hurt he is and this great work.

4 out of 5

Story: I like the idea of a draw, and Ryouhei being taken by the Vindice is shocking development indeed, as most of us assumed either one would win and that the Vongola would'n be down another man so fast. Me thinks the Vongola might soon be picking a fight with the Vindice (possibly with Shimon as allies).

 5 out of 5

Pace:  Continuing with the breakneck pace the series has adopted in the past chapters.

5 out of 5

Overall: A solid chapter that advances the plot leaves you wanting more, good pacing and further developments on the arc and a teaser of whats to come next.

5 out of 5


And Go!